What is Down syndrome? What are the possible treatments that can treat this condition? This article will talk about the important facts about this condition and the possible treatment methods that can be used to help a patient with Down syndrome cope.

What is Down syndrome?

To be diagnosed with Down syndrome, a person has to have an extra chromosome. Typically, people only have 46 chromosomes. However, in people with Down syndrome, there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. Medically, the term for having this extra chromosome is called “trisomy”, so another term for Down syndrome is “Trisomy 21”. 

The extra chromosome in people with Down syndrome can cause changes in both their mental and physical makeup. The physical features of a person with Down syndrome are similar. Most of them have a flattened face, with eyes that slant upward. People with this condition usually have a shorter height than most of their contemporaries. Although people with Down syndrome look alike, they have different capabilities.

Down syndrome treatments

Since people who have Down syndrome have varying abilities, there is no one-cure-for-all treatment that can be applied to people with this condition. People with Down syndrome mostly have a team of medical professionals and specialists who all interact with, and help facilitate the treatment for these individuals. 

Down syndrome treatments differ and are relative to each patient. Here is a list of the different treatment methods that can be used to help Down syndrome patients deal with their condition.

Early educational intervention

This type of treatment can start as early as right after the baby is born (and diagnosed with Down syndrome) and will continue until the child reaches toddler age, or around three years old. 

This type of treatment revolves around helping the child learn how to speak and to get them ready for the school system. After these early interventions, the treatment will continue when the child enters the school setting.

Assistive devices

This Down syndrome treatment would almost always require the use of assistive devices. Equipment to help the person hear better, write more easily, and see more clearly are the usual assistive devices used in various Down syndrome therapy methods.


There are different types of therapy methods that are used for patients with Down syndrome. Physical therapy is used to help Down syndrome patients learn motor skills. Speech therapy helps them learn how to use language effectively and to help them learn how to communicate. Emotional and behavioral therapy may also be used to help these individuals deal with unpleasant situations. Lastly, occupational therapy exists as a Down syndrome treatment method to help patients adjust to doing everyday tasks and help them realize their capabilities and physical capacity.

Medication and drugs

In the past, amino acid supplements were used to help boost brainpower. However, recent studies have shown that there is little effect of these supplements on the brains of Down syndrome patients. At the time of this writing, there is no medication that can cure Down syndrome.

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