Is there a way on how to prevent Down syndrome? Is this condition curable? If you have been searching the internet for answers to this question, you have reached the right page. This article will discuss how Down syndrome is caused and if it can be prevented or not.
How is Down syndrome caused?
Down syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome that is present. Chromosome 21 is the duplicated chromosome that can cause physical and mental differences in people with this condition.
There is one factor that can be pinpointed to be the cause of Down syndrome. This is the age of the baby’s mother. Studies have shown that the older the maternal age, the higher the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.
How to prevent Down syndrome
At the time of this writing, there is no cure for Down syndrome. However, the million-dollar question is, can Down syndrome be prevented? Unfortunately, there is no definitive prevention method that can be used to prevent Down syndrome from occurring. However, there are certain steps that expectant mothers can take to lower their risks of having a child with Down syndrome.
Folic acid
Studies have shown that pregnant mothers who take vitamins and folic acid supplements may reduce the risk of having babies with Down syndrome. Folic acid is known to help prevent Down syndrome as well as prevent neural tube defects in babies.
Studies have shown that parents who have a folic acid deficiency are more likely to conceive a child who has Down syndrome. This is why taking supplements of folic acid during pregnancy may help reduce the risk of developing Down syndrome in the growing fetus.
Having a baby before 35
The older the mother is, the higher the risk of Down syndrome in babies becomes. A mother planning to conceive may have a lower risk of having a baby with Down syndrome if they choose to get pregnant before the age of 35.
Family history
Although Down syndrome is not a condition that is usually inherited, it pays to schedule a check-up for both parents before conceiving. Although this will not prevent Down syndrome, seeing a doctor will help parents who are planning to conceive understand the risks of Down syndrome.
Final thoughts
At the moment, no method can prevent Down syndrome. However, couples that are planning to conceive may take steps to reduce the risk of Down syndrome in their babies.
If you are planning to have a child, and you have a family history of Down syndrome, it is a good idea to see a doctor before trying to have a baby. For women trying to conceive, it is best to have a baby before the age of 35. Lastly, taking folic acid while pregnant and in the months leading up to the pregnancy will help lower the risk of babies having Down syndrome.
Taking these precautions will help lower the chances of Down syndrome. It is important to talk to your doctor about the best precautionary methods you can take to prevent Down syndrome.