Adults with Down syndrome have needs that are much different in comparison to adults who do not have the condition. They will have a more difficult time learning to do daily tasks that are otherwise considered easy and mundane for adults. This article will shed some light on how adults with Down syndrome can live with their condition and how they will dealt with dental check up and clean during their dental visit.
Living as an adult with Down syndrome
When a person with Down syndrome graduates from high school and begins preparing for their adult life, it may be difficult. However, adjusting to adult life may prove to be much harder for a person who has Down syndrome.
Transition planning
It is crucial to start planning how life will be like even before graduating. Usually, people with Down syndrome will work closely with their family members and teachers to find out what the best options are. These people will be able to provide the best level of support to a person with Down syndrome as they plot out the next steps to take after they graduate from high school.
Where to live
People with Down syndrome usually require a higher level of care. Depending on the specific needs of the person, they can choose to live on their own or with family, even after they finish school.
Getting a job
It is very much possible, and even encouraged, that people with Down syndrome get jobs if they are able. Working closely with teachers and other health professionals will help the person figure out the best job options they have. They will also be able to get advice on how to apply and land the jobs of their choice later on.
Higher education
If the person wants to pursue a college degree, Down syndrome should not hinder them from doing so. They should still be able to attend college, although their living arrangements and other needs may need to be sorted out before they decide to do so.
Other conditions adults with Down syndrome face
As people with Down syndrome age, they become more at risk of becoming overweight, having diabetes, thyroid illnesses, early menopause, and other physical conditions. This is why adults with Down syndrome need to monitor and keep track of their health, especially as they age.
It pays for adults with Down syndrome to have regular check-ups. Their doctors will be able to help them stay one step ahead of any medical issues they may have.
Adults with Down syndrome
They say that “adulting” is hard, even for people who do not have Down syndrome. However, it can be a fun and exciting adventure if the proper steps and precautions are taken to ensure that the person’s goals will be met.
As a person with Down syndrome gets older, they become more susceptible to physical and mental illnesses. Many adults with Down syndrome develop depression and other forms of illness as they age. They have a more difficult time dealing with stressful situations in comparison to people who do not have the condition. In other cases, the proper medication or therapy may help them get over the physical or medical conditions that may be brought about as they get older.