A child with down syndrome doing wall climbing with the help of a therapist.

Down Syndrome Physical Therapy: How Can It Help?

Down syndrome physical therapy plays a vital role in improving muscle strength, balance, coordination, and motor skills. This physical therapy aims to improve independence in doing daily activities and the patient’s quality of life. Meanwhile, alternative treatments at Wayne Massage can also help increase blood circulation and nutrients. In effect, it pulls out the toxins present inside the body.

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baby wearing pink helmet

Why Do Down Syndrome Babies Wear Helmets? – Flat Head Syndrome

Once in your life, you have probably encountered a baby wearing a helmet. Have you ever ever wondered why do down syndrome babies wear helmets? Most babies are born with the flat head syndrome, and the helmets help shape their heads correctly. As this dental team in Sydney CBD suggests, protecting the head and mouth of your child at such a young age is important even if they don’t have down syndrome.

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mosaic down syndrome

What Is Mosaicism Down Syndrome? (Diagnosis and Management)

Mosaicism down syndrome, also known as mosaic Down syndrome, is one of the rarest types of down syndrome. It is a genetic condition that arises from an extra chromosome’s appearance in a person’s DNA. They have special cells containing a replicate of the twenty-first chromosome, but they also have normal cells that come in twenty-three pairs.

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Child Dental Care For Patients With Down Syndrome

Child Dental Care For Patients With Down Syndrome (Prevent Risks)

Children are susceptible to cavities, caries, and gum disease even before their first baby teeth erupt. Dentists can offer various dental services for child dental care, starting from infants, toddlers, children, teens, and preadolescents. Regular kids’ oral health check can avoid side effects of illnesses such as toothache or gum swelling. Notably, a young family member with special needs must visit a pediatric dentist for professional treatment. If you are a family that needs child dental care for patients with down syndrome, you may learn tips from experts and their suggestions.

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Why Are Down Syndrome Organizations Important For Support

Why Are Down Syndrome Organizations Important For Support?

There are many requirements that a down syndrome association may ask, so it may be best to ask your local doctor for consultation. Check-ups monitored by a GP are listed in a person’s medical history for future references. Notably, families with members that have down syndrome may need the records for therapy. However, there are times when a patient may need additional support for networks. Down syndrome organizations aim to provide help with research, healthcare and awareness, education, and employment.

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acute sinusitis

How Does Acute Sinusitis Affect People With Down Syndrome?

What is acute sinusitis? How does it affect people with down syndrome? This article will talk about how people with down syndrome deal with acute sinusitis and why they are prone to it. A surgeon performing nose jobs in Sydney says that the nose shape of people with down syndrome make them more susceptible to acute sinusitis. Read more on that by clicking on the link.

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Can you tell if a baby has down syndrome in an ultrasound?

Health care providers generally offer screening tests for pregnant women, to check if their baby is at risk of Down Syndrome and other health conditions or disorders. If a baby is diagnosed at an increased risk, or probability, additional tests are offered to make a conclusive diagnosis. At Sirius Health Medical Centre in Chatswood they provide the latest screening tests for pregnant women and below are useful information about the procedures.

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Do All Kids With Down Syndrome Have A Flat Nose Bridge

Do All Kids With Down Syndrome Have A Flat Nose Bridge?

Research on Down Syndrome suggests that there is hope to stop the recurring genetic disease. What is the impact of having a genetic mutation in the body? Almost all patients with a down syndrome suffer from having a short nasal bone. Although there are fewer risks with Rhinoplasty, a child with a genetic problem may need to pass through several doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions before treating a flat nose bridge.

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