How to know if you have TMJ disorder? What are the noticeable symptoms that will make you conclude that way? In some cases, individuals with Down Syndrome can experience hypotonia and a stomatognathic alteration system, such as a small oral cavity, macroglossia, and malocclusions. In effect, they have more risk of developing the temporomandibular joint disorder. On the other hand, this clinic helps with TMJ disorders in Melbourne. Booking an appointment with them will help you answer your question about TMJ.
How to know if you have TMJ disorder?
In general, being knowledgeable will help you on how to know if you have TMJ disorders. This knowledge involves being aware of the potential symptoms that can show you have the disorder. Before we head on to the symptoms, let us first discuss what a temporomandibular joint is.
The temporomandibular joint is the connecting joint between your lower jaw and the skull. Additionally, you can find this joint on both sides of your head. This joint allows you to make movements in your jaw, which includes talking, chewing and yawning.
Moreover, the temporomandibular joint is working, in synergy, with several anatomical structures. This joint allows complex movements necessary for life. In this case, a disorder in TMJ will make it difficult to do these movements as usual.
Moving forward, let us now proceed to the symptoms that can tell you that it is a TMJ disorder.
Symptoms to know that you have TMJ disorder
The following signs can mean that you have a problem with your temporomandibular joint.
- The number one symptom you can encounter is jaw pain. An injury or disorder to any of the complex structures of TMJ can lead to jaw pain. Furthermore, jaw pain can occur on either side of your head or both sides.
- Additionally, you can also experience a popping or clicking sound in your jaw.
- A TMJ dysfunction can also cause earaches or ear pain. A popping sound can also associate this ear pain.
- Moreover, it is also possible to have headaches while you have this disorder.
- Another thing that could happen to your jaw muscles is becoming stiff or sore.
- You might also feel pain in your temple area.
- Lastly, you may also experience joint locks. In effect, it will be difficult for you to open or close your mouth.
These symptoms might be present in your condition. If that’s the case, you might need to undergo treatment for TMJ dysfunction. On the other hand, if the clicking sound or grating does not cause you pain, you might not need to receive any treatment.
However, you can only be sure of that once you already seek medical advice from your physician. If these symptoms show unexpectedly and bothering you, the best thing to do is ask your doctor about it.
This way, you will stop overthinking your condition. You will know what exactly causes it and receive treatment if necessary.
Causes of TMJ dysfunction
Generally speaking, here are the few causes that can lead to the development of TMJ dysfunction.
Misalignment or malocclusion
- Trauma or injury to the teeth or jaw
- Teeth grinding
- Improper posture
- Stress or anxiety
- Various types of arthritis
- Orthodontic treatment
- Excessive jaw activities
Aside from the abovementioned causes, TMJ dysfunction can also become painful because of the following conditions.
- There is erosion with the disc dividing the joint into two cavities.
- The joint’s cartilage has damage because of arthritis.
- You have experienced a blow or injury that damaged the joint.
In general, the causes of TMJ dysfunction are not clear. The doctors also don’t have a specific test to diagnose TMJ dysfunction. They are most likely to recommend the patient to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, an ENT specialist, or a dentist specializing in jaw disorders to confirm the diagnosis.
Moreover, the patient may also undergo MRI to see if there is damage to the cartilage of the jaw joint. MRI can also help determine if there are other medical problems present.
Treatment for TMJ dysfunction
The treatment will depend on the underlying cause or other associated health conditions. If the illness is not severe, the patient can do home remedies such as ice packs, over-the-counter medicines, or doing massage, just visit this link for alternative massage therapies for TMJ disorder.
It can also be a mouth guard if the reason is teeth grinding. Steroid injections will do if the causes are degenerative conditions. TMJ therapy can also help, which you can see in the video below.
Overall, you can still work out your jaw disorders. You only have to work with the right specialist. Additionally, knowing these particular symptoms can primarily help you decide if you need to have a consultation.
In the final analysis, we have to pay attention to the unusual things happening with our bodies. If you already think something doesn’t feel right, it would be best to seek medical attention with a dentist in Preston at Chic Dental right away.